Grit isn't about just about 'doing more' or 'enduring' more work, more homework, more rigor, and at a faster pace...
We send messages like buckle down, work harder, faster... at the expense of higher level conversations.
Defining more clarity of purpose and exploring quality is, um, sort of left out sometimes.
Grit can be ignited best by passion and purpose.
It's important to ask...
Is 'grit' a call for some students and not others? aka is your call to 'have more grit' elitist?
Are schools just asking students to get grit so they can work harder to fit into their system? What if the system doesn't ring true?
Sometimes, yes, grit is about survival and enduring hardship. It doesn't have to be in education.
Focus on building grit as a noun (descriptor 2, in the pic above) instead of a verb (descriptor 1).