Sunday, August 21, 2011

Drifting thought on a new course...

After a Summer full of traveling and working, playing, and learning with great folks... I'm at the lake today. Thunderstorms in the distance, some light rain on a strangely glassy lake... and I find myself sitting, reading, and sort of letting my mind wander.

My mind wandered over to the new course I'll be teaching this coming year... designed by students... Social Networking: A Senior Seminar...

I've been pondering this new and exciting endeavor off and on over this last Spring and Summer... loosely drafting ideas... frameworks...

for an innovative course...

Here's a video I stumbled on today (via one of my rss feeds) that got me thinking on this today...

There are so many possibilities...

We'll see where it all leads...

And how much fun some messy learning and exploration can be.

Looking forward to it!